Soal Cerita Bahasa inggris ( Try Out tahun ajaran 2015- 2016 )
Try out - Soal - soal cerita bahasa inggris Try out tahun 2015-2016. Soal - soal ini untuk SMA/MA/SMK. Berhubung ini masih baru soal - soalnya, jadi ya ane share aja deh.
Berikut soal - soal Try Out cerita bahasa inggris tahun ajaran 2015 - 2016:
This text for question number 1 - 3
Online jobs are selected in part-time employment for many people and some have taken more seriously. A growing number of people are willing to take a job online. Working online has its advantages if we manage efectively. Why not?
If offers flexibility anda convenience that no other job can give. We can wok from home with minimal investment and get good income. The idea of adding weight to our pocket and makes life easier and comfortable is the most reassuring.
The reasong behind this great opportunityis that every day there are new companies to join. Every day and every minute men are seeking information about everything under the sky of the internet.
As we know, the internet is the answer to every question, websites need to update each section and also add reports on developments that have recently joined. Therefore, it is an expansive space for articles.
There are a number of jobs we can work online. Some of them which strongly recommended are writing, marketing, stock trading, and online education. However we should be very careful because scamming opportunities are always there.
1. Why do people take online job?
A. Because it makes life more comfortable
B. Because they do not need to apply for the job
C. Because internet is the answer to every question
D. Because it is hard to find new companies to join
E. Because
2. The following are online works that are strongly recomendded, except..
A. Writing
B. Marketing
C. Stock trading
D. Health insurance
E. Online education
3. Working online has its advantage if we manage efectively.
The underline word means...
A. Gain
B. Odds
C. Return
D. Benefit
E. Interest
This text for question number 4 -6
Bandung, June 19, 2016
To whom it may concern
Dear Madamme/Sir:
I am writing this reference at the request of Ms. Diani Susanti who is applying for Monbukagakusho Teaching Training Program.
I have known Ms. Susanti for a year in my capacity as a newly posted at Harapan Bangsa school, a public upper secondary school in Bandung, Indonesia.
Despite my short observation and supervision, i have already understood that Ms. Susanti has a number of stenght to offer an employer. She has awonderful rapport with
people of all ages, especially teenagers. Her ability to connect with her students and her talent at teaching simple concepts, as well as more advanced topics, are both trully superior. She has excellent
written and verbal communication skills, is extremly organized, reliable and computer literate. Ms. Susanti can work indpenently and is able to follow through to ensure that the job gets done. She accomplishes
these tasks with great initiative and with a very positive attitude.
I recomended Ms. Diana Susanti to you without reservation. If you have any further questions with regard to her background or qualifications, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Your Sincerely,
Abdul Najib
4. What is the type of the letter above?
A. Invitation letter
B. Business letter
C. Application letter
D. Appreciation letter
E Recomended letter
5. She has awonderful rapport with
people of all ages, especially teenagers. Her ability to connect with her students and her talent at teaching simple concepts,...
A. Teenagers
B. Ms. Susanti's ability
C. Mr. Abdul Najib
D. Principal of Harapan Bangsa school
E. Monbukagakusho Teaching Training Program
6. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?
A. Ms. Diani Susanti is writing the letter
B. Ms. Diani Susanti is applying for a teacher training programme.
C. Mr. Abdul Najib has known Ms. Susanti for a long time..
D. Mr. Abdul Najib did notregard Ms. Susanti as a qualified teacher.
E. Ms Diani Susanti has a problem in written and verbal communication skills.
Nahh segitu dulu yang bisa saya ketik, nanti ada lanjutannya lagi kok.
Aritikel ini masih banyak kekurangannya, jadi jangan sungkan untuk memberi kritik dan sarannya. Makasih..
4 komentar
wah makasih gan bisa jadi gambaran nih :)
pas gan buat ane yang masih SMK kelas 3, wk bermanfaat
sama mas saya juga kelas 3 wkakw
asik nih...terimakasih banget yah, manfaat banget soal-soal tryout bahasa ingris setahun ini teh ya